Jimmy C. M. Kao
Jimmy C. M. Kao

Jimmy C. M. Kao
Chair Professor
Groundwater Pollution Lab
Soil and groundwater investigation and remediation
Watershed management
Wastewater reclamation and water reuse
Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University (1993)
M.S., Department of Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University (1989)
B.S., Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University (1985)
NSYSU Chair Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2023 - Present)
Chair Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2016 - 2023)
Director, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2018/12 - 2021/07)
President, The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering (2015 – 2016)
Coordinator, Environmental Engineering Program, Ministry of Science and Technology (2014 - 2016)
President, Taiwan Association of Soil and Groundwater Environmental Protection (2013-2015)
Distinguished Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2010 - 2016)
Professor and Director, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2006 - 2009)
Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2003 - 2010)
Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2000 - 2003)
Assistant Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (1997 - 2000)
Research Consultant, Institute of Marine and Agricultural Research, Environmental Protection Program, NC, USA (1995 - 1997)
Project Manager, Environmental Science and Engineering Division, Geophex, Ltd., NC, USA (1993 - 1997)
2023 TECO Net Zero Carbon Emission Competition, Excellent Work Award
2022 Innovative Technology Award, Environmental Technology Forum, EPA
2022 Academic Award, Ministry of Education
2022 Distinguished Research Paper Award, Bless Education Foundation
2022 Mckee Medal, Water Environment Federation
2022 Chair Professor, ASC Group
2021 Future Tech Award, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology
2021 Chair Professor, ASC Group
2021 Distinguished Research Paper Award, Bless Education Foundation
2020 Rudolph Hering Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers
2020 National Innovation Award, Taiwan
2020 Distinguished Industrial Application Award, Ministry of Science and Technology
2019 First Prize of Professional Performance in Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Administration
2019 Industrial Innovation Technology Award, Ministry of Economics
2018 TECO Green Tech Competition, Champion Award
2018 Scientific Chair Professor Award, Far Eastern Y.Z. Science and Technology Memorial Foundation
2018 Grand Prize - Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
2018 Practice-oriented Paper Award, American Institute of Environmental Engineering and Water Resources
2017 TECO Award
2017 Robert G. Wetzel Award, American Institute of Hydrology
2017 J. James R. Croes Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers
2017 Rudolph Hering Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers
2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award, American Society of Civil Engineers
2018 Excellent Practice-oriented Research Paper Award, The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering.
2018 Excellent Practice-oriented Research Paper Poster Presentation Award 1, The Chinese Institute of Engineering.
2018 Excellent Practice-oriented Research Paper Poster Presentation Award 2, The Chinese Institute of Engineering.
2018 Excellent Research Paper Poster Presentation Award, 2018 International Analytical Equipment Exhibition, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2018 Distinguished Research Paper Poster Presentation Award 1, 2018 International Analytical Equipment Exhibition, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2018 Distinguished Research Paper Poster Presentation Award 2, 2018 Cross Strait Groundwater and Applied Hydrogeology Conference.
2017 Excellent Practice-oriented Research Paper Award, The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering.
2017 Distinguished Practice-oriented Research Paper Award, The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering.
2016 Professional Award in Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Administration
2015 Distinguished Researcher Award, Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology.
2015 Distinguished Practice-oriented Paper Award, American Society of Civil Engineers
2015 Scientific Paper Award, YzShu Fundation.
2014 State of the Art of Civil Engineering Award, American Society of Civil Engineers
Distinguished Honor Award, C.T. Ho Foundation, 2013
Award of Academic Paper, 2014 International Conference on Frontiers of Advanced Materials and Engineering Technology (FAMET 2014), Hong Kong, 2014
Distinguished Engineering Professor Award, Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2012.
2012 Distinguished Paper Award, International Frontiers of science and technology Research Association.
Award of Academic Paper, The2013 Water Reuse Conference, Taiwan, 2013.
Excellent Paper Award, The 2013 International Conference on Materials, Transportation and Environmental Engineering.
Award of Academic Paper, The Ecological Engineering Conference, Taiwan, 2012.
Award of Academic Paper, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2012.
Award of Academic Paper, The Annual Chinese Environmental Engineering Conference, Taiwan, 2012.
Distinguished Researcher Award, Taiwan National Science Council, 2011.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Samuel Arnold Greely Award, 2011.
Award of Distinguished Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University, 2010.
Award of Highly Cited Paper Award, National Sun Yat-Sen University, 2011.
Award of Excellent Research Paper, 2011 International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Hong Kong, 2011.
Award of Academic Paper, 2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment Engineering, Kungming, China, 2011.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2008 distinguished paper award - Chemical oxidation of chlorinated solvents in contaminated groundwater: a review.
Award of Academic Paper, 2012 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Technology, Shiamen, China, Jan. 2012.
Award of Academic Paper 1, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2011.
Award of Academic Paper 2, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2011.
Award of Academic Paper 1, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2010.
Award of Academic Paper 2, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2010.
Award of Academic Paper 3, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2010.
Award of Academic Paper 3, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2009.
Award of Research Direction Award, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan, 2009.
Award of Academic Paper, The Annual Solid Waste Management Conference, Taiwan, 2009.
Award of Academic Paper, The Annual Environmental Information and Monitoring Conference, Taiwan, 2008.
Award of Academic Paper, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2008.
Award of Academic Paper, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2007.
Award of Academic Paper 3, The Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Conference, Taiwan, 2006.
Award of Academic Paper, The Wastewater Treatment Conference, Taiwan, 2011.
Award of Academic Paper, The Wastewater Treatment Conference, Taiwan, 2008.
Award of Academic Paper, The Wastewater Treatment Conference, Taiwan, 2005.
Award of Academic Paper, The Wastewater Treatment Conference, Taiwan, 2004.
Award of Academic Paper, The Wastewater Treatment Conference, Taiwan, 2003.
Award of Academic Paper, The Environmental Management Conference, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2008.
List in Marques Who is Who of Engineers and Scientists in Asia, 2007.
Award of Academic Paper, The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2007.
Award of Academic Paper, Journal of the Chinese Colloid and Interface, Chinese Colloid and Interface Society, 2005.
Award of Young Engineer, The Chinese Engineer Association, 2002.
Award of Academic Paper, Chinese Petroleum Engineering Association, 2001.
Award of Academic Paper, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2000.
Associate Editor - ASCE Journal - Journal of Environmental Engineering
Associate Editor - ASCE Journal - Journal of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste
Associate Editor - WEF Journal - Water Environment Research
Associate Editor - British Journal of Environment and Climate Change
Associate Editor - Current Environmental Engineering
Regional Editor - American Journal of Food Technology
Regional Editor - International Journal of Chemical Technology
Regional Editor - Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Regional Editor - Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
Regional Editor - Journal of Applied Sciences
Editorial board member, Sustainable Environment Research
Editorial board member, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
Editorial board member, Disaster Advances
Editorial board member, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
Editorial board member, Global Journal of Biotechnology
Editorial board member, Journal of Modeling, Simulation, Identification, and Control
Editorial board member, International Journal of Environment and Sustainability
Editorial board member, Journal of Petroleum Engineering
Editorial board member, International Journal of Bioscience and Technolog
Soil flushing method to remediate dioxin contaminated soils
An electrodialysis reversal system for water treatment with low Waste discharge
A complex particle for heavy metal polluted environment treatment
A method for dioxin-contaminated soil remediation
A method for the slow-releasing odor control reagent design and its application
Special designed bioremediation system for soil and groundwater treatment
A novel method for chlorinated solvent contaminated groundwater remediation
A novel technique for the enhancement of Hg biotransformation
A method for chromate-contained wastewater treatment
A designed oxygen releasing complex with sustainable oxygen releasing capability
A Designed Potassium Permanganate Method for Chlorinated-Organic Contaminant Oxidation without the Precipitation of Manganese Dioxide under Acidic Conditions
Composition and Method for Treating Water Pollutants in Water
Method for Treating Oil Contaminations in Soils or Ground Water
Designed Oxidant Briquet Containing Potassium Permanganate
A Designed Technology for the Remediation of Chlorinated Organics
A Method for AOC Analysis
A Method for the Enhancement of the Biodegradation
Application of Slag for the Enhancement of Chemical Oxidation
Application of Biobarrier for the Treatment of Organic Compound Contaminated Environment
Isolation of Specific Bacteria to Degrade Dioxin Compound
Development of a colloid material for the remediation of chlorinated solvent
A method to activate the dioxin-degrading bacteria
An oxidation method to treat chlorinated pollutant
A pressure-cycling devise to enhance the oxidation reaction