Chung-Shin Yuan
Chung-Shin Yuan

Chung-Shin Yuan
Distinguished Professor
Air Pollution Lab
Air Pollution Control
Aerosol Technology
Air Quality Monitoring and Sampling
Atmospheric Chemistry and Modeling
Resources Recycling
B.S. - Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University (1978-1982)
M.S. - Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University (1984-1986)
Ph.D. - Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1986-1989)
1989-1991 | Associate Professor |
Department of Chemical Engineering | |
National Cheng-Kung University | |
1991-1992 | Adjunct Associate Professor |
Department of Chemical Engineering | |
National Cheng-Kung University | |
1991-2005 | Associate Professor |
Institute of Environmental Engineering | |
National Sun Yat-Sen University | |
2006-present | Professor |
Institute of Environmental Engineering | |
National Sun Yat-Sen University | |
2003-present | Adjunct Professor |
Department of Environmental Engineering | |
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering | |
Harbin Institute of Technology | |
2007-present | Oversea Lecture Professor |
Institute of Earth Environmental | |
Chinese Academy of Sciences | |
2009-2011 | Director |
Institute of Environmental Engineering | |
National Sun Yat-Sen University | |
2019/1-8 | Director |
Environmental Protection Bureau | |
Kaohsiung City Government | |
2019-present | Distinguished Professor |
National Sun Yat-Sen University | |
2021/8-2023/7 | Director |
Institute of Environmental Engineering | |
National Sun Yat-Sen University |
First Place for Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award, Lake Michigan Section, Research Paper Competition, 82nd A&WMA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 1989
First Place for Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award, A&WMA Annual Meeting, Research Paper Competition, 82nd A&WMA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 1989
Best Master Thesis Award, OCCESA, 1992
Scholarship Receiver of DAAD, NSC (Tawan) and DAAD (Germany), 1995
Best Teaching Award, NSYSU, 1996
Dr. Lian W.C.’s Memorial Awards of the Year, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 1998
Best Teaching Award, College of Engineering, NSYSU, 2000
Academic Award for Best Research Paper of the Year, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2001
Scholarship Receiver of CADF/NSC, Chinese Academic Development Foundation, 2003
Academic Award for Best Research Paper of the Year, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2004
Best Paper Award, Chinese Environmental Analytical Chemistry Annual Meeting, 2005
Best Paper Award, China Particuology Annual Meeting and 3rd Cross-Strait Aerosol Conference, 2006
Academic Award for Best Research Paper of the Year, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2008
Best Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering Annual Meeting, 2007, 2008, 2009
Research Awards, National Science Council, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
袁中新、李宛樺,“奈米光觸媒玻纖濾網結合UV/O3及UV/TiO2之空氣淨化技術研發-餐飲業”,國科會研究報告,NSC 99-2622-E-110-004-CC2,2011年7月。
袁中新、陳威錦、葉耀仁,“應用熱重分析技術探討二階段複合加硫改質程序對活性碳同時吸附氣相氯化汞及元素汞吸附效能與吸附動力之影響研究(II)”,國科會研究報告,NSC 98-2221-E-110-016-MY3,2011年7月。
袁中新、楊至哲,“石化/石油煉製業揮發性有機污染物與微量異味物質監測技術建置、本土排放資料庫建立、異常排放增量評估及排放管制策略研擬”, 環境保護署/國科會研究報告,2011年8月。
Auto Wind-direction Controlled Air Sampling System, 92/4/11-111/8/26.
Powdered Activated Carbon Contained sulfur and Its manufacturing Method, NSC-91-2622-E-110-007-CC3, 93/2/1-111/7/30.
Automatic Detection and Analysis of Atmospheric Visibility, NSC-88-2212-E-241-001, 93/8/11-112/7/31.
Street Flusher and Nozzles Thereon, 93/11/11-112/7/30.
Automated Optical Visibility Observation System, NSC92-2622-E-110-005-CC3, 95/3/21-113/4/25.
A Self-purification Activated Carbon Fiber and Its manufacturing Method, 95/7/1-114/9/7.
Powdered Activated Carbon Contained Photocatalysts and Its Manufacturing Method, NSC93-2622-E-110-007-CC3, 95/12/1-114/6/27.
An Air Cleaning Device by Using Packed Nano-TiO2 Coated on Glass Beads, 95/4/26-115/4/26.
A Detachable Near-ground Vertical Air Sampling Apparatus, NSC92-2622-E-110-005-CC3, 98/9/1-115/7/12.
A Movable Vertical Suspended Particle and Meteorological Parameter Profile Monitoring System, NSC92-2622-E-110-005-CC3, 98/8/1-115/8/8.
An Energy-saving Photocatalytic Organic Gas Treatment System, NSC94-2622-E-110-003-CC3.
A Method for Preparing Glass-fiber Filter Coated with Nanosized Photocatalytic Film
Nano-photocatalyst Coated Activated Carbon Paperboard Fiber and Method for Making the Same, NSC95-2622-E-110-003-CC3.
A Method for Reducing Sulfur Content of Pyrolysis Oil by Using Solid Carbon-based Adsorbent, NSC95-2622-E-110-003-CC3.
A Method for Producing Low-sulfur Pyrolysis oil
Air-cleaning Device with Conductive Photocatalyst Coated Electrical Filters
Surface-modifying Method for Carbon Black