國立中山大學 環境工程研究所 (Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University)

(C) 專書或專章

  1. Gordon C. C. Yang and Yen-Ching Ku, 1994, “Remediation of a Spiked, Oil-contaminated Soil by a Thermal Process,” in Hazardous and Industrial Wastes, C. P. Huang (Ed.), Technomic Publishing Company, Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, pp. 446-453.

  2. Gordon C. C. Yang (Guest Editor), 1998, Journal of Hazardous Materials--Special Issue on “Waste Management Technology in Taiwan, 1997,” Vol. 58, Nos. 1-3.

  3. 楊金鐘, 袁中新, 高志明 (主編), 1999, 第六屆海峽兩岸環境保護研討會論文集, 12月7-11日, 高雄市。

  4. 楊金鐘, 2001, “從牧羊人之經濟觀談廢棄物管理,” 公害污染防治與環境管理 (袁中新主編), 巨流圖書公司, 台北市, 第101-114頁。

  5. 楊金鐘 (主編), 2006, EnviroNano 2006環境奈米技術之進展:第三屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會暨環境奈米技術之進展論壇論文集 (ISBN 986-005617-X), 7月6日, 高雄市。

  6. Gordon C. C. Yang (Invited Author), 2009, “Electrokinetic-Chemical Oxidation/Reduction,” in Electrochemical Remediation Technologies for Polluted Soil, Sediments and Groundwater (Edited by K. R. Reddy and C. Cameselle), Chapter 21, pp. 439-471, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, U. S. A.

  7. Gordon C. C. Yang (Invited Author), 2009, “Electrokinetically Enhanced Removal and Degradation of Subsurface Pollutants Using Nanosized Pd/Fe Slurry,” in ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1027: Environmental Applications of Nanoscale and Microscale Reactive Metal Particles (Edited by Cherie L. Geiger and Kathleen M. Carvalho-Knighton; ISBN13: 9780841269927), Chapter 11, pp. 203-216, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., U. S. A.

  8. 楊金鐘, 2009, “從牧羊人之經濟觀談廢棄物管理,” 污染防治與環境管理 (袁中新主編), 巨流圖書公司, 台北市, 第125-140頁。

  9. Gordon C. C. Yang (Editor), 2010, “Scientific Advances and Innovative Applications in Electrokinetic Remediation,” (ISBN: 978-986-02-4012-2; GPN: 1009902290), National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  10. Gordon C. C. Yang (Guest Editor), 2010, Separation and Purification Technology—Special Issue on “Scientific Advances and Innovative Applications in Electrokinetic Remediation,” (in progress).