國立中山大學 環境工程研究所 (Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University)


本所教育目標Educational objectives

  • 培育研發、規劃及管理之環境工程人才。

Cultivating Environmental Engineering talent in development, planning, and management.

  • 培養團隊合作精神與環境倫理觀念。

Develop team spirit and environmental ethics.

  • 培養實踐環境永續發展之認知及學養。

Cultivate the cognition and academic literacy of practicing environmental sustainable development.

  • 拓展國際視野及培育在地關懷意識。

Broaden international horizons and cultivate awareness of local care.


本所學生核心能力Students core competencies

  • 具備環境科學與工程之專業知識。

Possess expertise in environmental science and engineering.

  • 具備獨立研究、科學論述及解決問題的能力。

Capable of independent research, scientific discourse, and problem-solving.

  • 具備團隊合作與協調整合之領導能力。

Possess the leadership ability of teamwork and coordination.

  • 具備在地與宏觀思維及前瞻視野。

Possess local and macro thinking and forward-looking vision.

  • 具備終身學習及專業倫理之涵養。

Possess the cultivation of lifelong learning and professional ethics.